Wednesday, 29 February 2012

The life of living next to a busy rail line.

Whilst casually sitting at my desk, refreshing my twitter/facebook feeds & realising iTunes manages to find my least favourite songs when on shuffle, I found my peace shattered by the screeching brakes of a passing train...

For the last five months, I have lived beside what seems to be one of the most used railway lines in the country. It seems like there's a train passing every 10 minutes, the lovely silence of my studio being disrupted by the constant sounding of their horns, screeching brakes & engines running. 

Thursday, 2 February 2012

I remember when libraries were peaceful.

Whilst browsing the Hull Daily Mail website, I encountered an interesting article about children as young as 9 being banned from libraries in East Yorkshire.

It amazed me to find how some of these children behave in public places, swearing at staff members, intimidating & hitting other library users & other acts of anti-social behaviour.